Monday, July 16, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Wow I'm back again,
Well with the picture of (Gus or whatever that birds name is) I decided to send you a picture of Seattle Washington. It might not be what you would expect like a dull picture of the Space Needle that every tourist takes. This is the backside of Seattle a place where nobody goes except for the locals. It rains allot in Seattle, but the people are friendly and they don't seem to mind. There are a thousand coffee cafes in this city so I was right in my realm. Bicycling or walking seems to be one of best ways to get around and you will see allot of that. As my best fiend told me it looks a little like Andy Warhol's work but I think Monet might have enjoyed this too. Well with that I should be on my way.
and don't feed the bears {that's a truckers term for: don't get a speeding ticket.}

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Hi I know its been awhile,
I keep meaning to send out a picture but just like you guys there just never is enough time. Ok, Ok I know its just a picture of a stupid bird. But for those of us who don't live out west we don't get to see these stupid birds. He does have a name. No its not Gus. I don't know what his name is but I do know someone with more brains then me we enlighten me with what type of bird he is. And again No its not a pigeon. This picture was taken in Washington State if that helps.
Well I hope you enjoy

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Just incase you have been wondering where I have been. I have been in the back of the of the local convenient store dumpster. You should see all the neat stuff they throw away. Sun glasses that are only missing one lens lots of empty boxes and I even found a broken chair.(I think you can get at least 2 more sittings out of that broken chair} Oh you don't care; you only want to know where this stupid picture came from. This is a picture of Oregon taken from the side of a highway. Oregon is a very pretty place to see with lots of parks, wolves and coyotes, not to mention a few cows. Speaking of cows as I was driving threw the passes of the long winding dusty back roads of Oregon I must have been driving for hours. The sun was setting and the stars where shining bright. I had not seen a car or even a house for the past hundred miles. Just me cruising down a deserted highway. I kept seeing signs for cattle crossings but I noticed there wasn't even a fence were they might keep the cattle in. Well as I rounded the next bend sure enough there they were. About a hundred cows standing in the middle of the road. All you could see in the night reflecting off of my head lights was those brown eyes staring at me. (I wonder what they were thinking) Not a soul in site just me and the cows. They were kind enough to move off the road to let me by so I smiled and gave my air horn a toot and continued on my merry way. Well that's it for now.
Have a safe Holiday,

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Mothers day is upon us again. So off I went in search of a mother. I searched high and low. After many grueling miles I found one that was taking a break out of her hectic day. Yes that's right a mommy bird. What you say that's just a stupid bird. Aha but that bird is a mom too and besides baby birds need allot of attention. Just imagine searching for worms all day (baby birds eat allot} then its singing lessons and don't forget about flight school the list just goes on and on. So this picture is for all the moms who wiped our runny noses or kissed our skinned knee. Just when we thought all was lost and forgotten Mom came threw and put that smile back on our face.
Thanks Mom

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Phtography

Happy Easter everyone. Its that time of the year again when I'm aloud to eat all the chocolate that the Easter Bunny brought for me. I hope you are as well. The only problem is my dam dogs wouldn't let the Easter bunny into the house. This year I'm sending everyone some flowers that grow on the side of the highway. {not the actual flowers just a picture} I always enjoy the approach of spring when the flowers on the side of the highway are in full bloom. I know this year is cold but when I was in Michigan and Ohio all it did was snow. So for those of you who might be stuck in that weather here are some flowers from the side if the highway in New Jersey. And for those more fortunate ones who live in the southern half of the USA I just have this to say "Pay backs are a bitch, its going to be hot as hell this summer." just kidding. I hope you enjoy this picture and have a pleasant Holiday.


Monday, April 2, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Well I'm back again not that any of you really care. This weeks excursion took me out to the Midwest. Wichita Kansas to be exact. The weather situation was a little unnerving but what do you expect when your in Kansas in the spring. So many tornado warning that I had to wonder how how do you sleep at night. Some how I manged to pull it off but I think I slept with one eye open. In the morning I came across this robin looking for an early worm. I don't know if she ever got one but that robin never stop looking. Who knows what goes threw a Robbin's head . I knew I was in Kansas because that little bird had courage, a brain and a heart. I hope you enjoy . Well its back on the road .

Happy trails,

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Not that anybody ever looks at this for some stupid reason I will continue to post pictures of things I have seen while traveling about the country. Photography is my way of expressing how I see the world. So here is another one of those stupid photos. This was taken of a drainage ditch in the back of a truck stop in Florida. As you can see you never know what lurks in the back of a truck stop.
well its back on the road
Happy trails

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Well here we go,
While getting ready to go to destinations unknown I happened upon this bunny getting ready to deliver eggs for Easter. He posed for me for a second then off he went on his merry way. I wondered about his ear but realized that the look he was going for was what a chocolate bunny might look like after the first bite. In case you were wondering where this was taken. " I'm betting your not." Its in New Jersey. Well some of us have to work so till next week or whenever, Happy Trails.

Your Trucking Friend

Saturday, March 10, 2007

chasing the sun with photography

Hi I'm new to blogging so please keep that in mind. What I write about will be on the lighter side. I like to take photos of wherever I go. I do allot of landscape and nature shots so this will probably be the only picture of my truck. I don't like to bore ppl with stupid pictures.
So check it out it wont cost you anything and comment's are always welcome.
your friend Crossroad