Monday, April 2, 2007

Chasing the Sun with Photography

Well I'm back again not that any of you really care. This weeks excursion took me out to the Midwest. Wichita Kansas to be exact. The weather situation was a little unnerving but what do you expect when your in Kansas in the spring. So many tornado warning that I had to wonder how how do you sleep at night. Some how I manged to pull it off but I think I slept with one eye open. In the morning I came across this robin looking for an early worm. I don't know if she ever got one but that robin never stop looking. Who knows what goes threw a Robbin's head . I knew I was in Kansas because that little bird had courage, a brain and a heart. I hope you enjoy . Well its back on the road .

Happy trails,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooh i'm enjoying your site! i can't wait to see more pictures.
i've subscribed to your page so i will know when it gets updated :)

love the robin, it's sooo pretty